Friday, October 12, 2007


Again I ask, why can't the people who come up with these things count?

40 Things You Have NOT Been Asked In A Survey

1. Do you know anyone in prison? I don’t think so but who friggin’ knows.

2. Have you ever logged onto a boyfriend/girlfriend/crush's myspace? Nope

3. When is the last time you ate peanut butter and jelly? Last year

4. Do you have a desk in your room? No

5. Have you ever gotten naked at a party? No

6. What kind of car do you have? Dirty

7. Are you named after one of your parents or grandparents? One of my middle names is my great grandmother’s maiden name and my great aunt’s first name. Welcome to the south.

8. Does your first significant other still live in the same town as you? No, thank G-d.

9. Do you throw up gang signs? EAST SIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Um, no.

10. Have you ever broken a rib? I chipped one once. Does that count?

11. Would you rather be a girl or a guy? I’m not trans-gendered so I’m gonna’ go with girl!

12. Who is the most spoiled person you know? I decline to answer that question on the grounds that it may cause trouble.

13. Would you rather have a million dollars or true love? Can I have both? No? Damn. I would take….wow. I’m shallow.

14. Have you ever been to church? Yes

15. Is your boyfriend/girlfriend a marine? No. My grandfather was one and warned me against it.

16. Do you watch the Grammys? No

17. Would you ever work for the border patrol? No

18. Which one word would describe your last relationship? Brief.

19. Would you rather date someone 2 years older then you or 20 years? Well, how old is George Clooney? I’m kidding! Maybe. 2 I suppose.

21. Do you have a porn collection? I think not.

22. How many proms have you been to in your life? Zero.

23. Have you ever been in a interracial relationship? No

25. Are you old enough to vote? Yep

26. Do you have any friends or family in the war right now? No, thank G-d.

28. Do you worry about global warming? Yes

29. Do you like polar bears? They’re my favorite wild animal actually.

30. Have you ever been cheated on? Not that I know of.

31. Do you have any gay/bi friends? No. I believe that gay people are going straight to he---oh, wait. Anne Coulter took over my body for a minute! Yick. Now I smell like crazy!
Yes, I have gay friends. Who doesn’t. If you say you don’t then you probably don’t know shit.

32. What kind of deodorant do you use? Secret

35. Did or do you think your childhood dreams will come true? Yes

37. What's your opinion on gold diggers? Why can‘t I be one? Why?!

38. Are you a country or city boy/girl? I like to be either in the city or in the country. The burbs are neither one thing nor the other. It’s annoying.

39. Is your car a 2002 or higher? No. Bite me.

40. Do you want to hit something? In what sense of the word?


Retainer Girl said...

You crap me up. My favorite answer: #13.

Retainer Girl said...

Crack. I meant you crack me up. Which clearly I am on.

girlysmack said...

I liked "crap" better.

I threw a pancake in the river!

How did you crack a rib?

Dark Fury said...

I didn't crack a rib. I chipped one. I fell out of a tree.

PS? You have apple hair!!!