EDITED TO ADD: Yes, I know today is the fourth. Due to the storm on the third I was unable to post the below.
Journal Entry - 6/3
Today I went to work. I sat in my office. Out of the corner of my eye I saw something move.
Oh, how I wish I'd been having a psychotic break. There was a large, ugly, vile, foul, disgusting and other adjectives which are synonyms for horrible things as well spider sitting in the middle of my desk. I jumped up and ran out of my office to find something heavy with which to murder, smash, kill and wallop it. When I got back it was gone.
I looked but I couldn't find it. I could, however, feel it looking at me. Hiding. Waiting for it's moment. Biding it's time. Ready to strike.
I text messaged a couple of friends to share my horror. One felt my pain. One wrote back and told me that no matter where I am I'm never more than five feet from a spider. Always. I contemplated this. I decided that he is a bastard and deleted him from my phone book.
Paranoid for the rest of the day. Conclusion? Let constant vigilance be your motto.
I feel your pain. One night a spider walked right across my chest as I was trying to fall asleep. I couldn't sleep in that room for a week. Uuuuugh!! I hate them so much!
The interior of the Tater (my car) is OVERRUN with ants. Seriously. I don't know where they're coming from, and it's annoying as hell. But TG it's ants and not spiders. Yikes!
You poor child. Just last night I freaked out because I saw a spider go under my pillow. In a frantic wave of violence I tore my bed apart to discover that it was just a black piece of lint. So I feel you pain, since I geeked out over the thought of a spider.
Ewwie! Just bomb the whole place. That will do it! Okay so we all know I am against pesticide usage, but you did say spider, right?
Constant vigilence, people. Constant. Vigilence.
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