Wednesday, August 22, 2007

The difference between stupidity and genius is that genius has its limits.

Just for you ! Hot off the computer! More stream of consciousness….suffer, bitches…..I spell check not - be warned.

I feel like blogging is the computer equivalent of talking to yourself. On the upside people don’t stare at you and cross to the other side of the street when you blog. I’m pretty sure it’s a silly pastime. I also think that it might be helpful in getting me prepped for National Novel Writing Month (November). I’m looking forward to it…a lot. Yeah. I’m a boring geek. What’s your friggin’ point? The intention is to write a novel of 50,000 words (more a novella really but I didn’t name the damn thing). I think it will be exciting. It will also be very hard. Extremely hard. Sweet, sweet torture if you want the truth. 50,000 words in 30 days. Wow. My book is going to suck. No. No. It will Suck. Capital “S”. Why? I can only write dialogue. I’m not too clever at plot points. How does x get to b? Why is Bathsheba scooping out Peter’s eye? Is she robbing Peter to pay Paul? Who knows? Not me. But the repartee will be fantastic. I wonder if it would be possible to write a book of just conversations. I bet it’s been done. Note to self: find out about that. . I bet Katherine could name six books just off the top of her head. She’s the one to ask. I don’t understand why she (you if you’re reading this, Patherine) denigrates her looks. It’s silly. She’s a very pretty girl. I suppose we all do it. It’s stupid. We should stop. We won’t but we should. I could make a list of all the good features of all of my friends and then tack them to their walls so that every day they have to look at it. Would it help? I don’t know. It couldn’t hurt. That would give me something to write about in this blog so that the stream of crap could stop. But it wouldn’t be the same thing and I’ve already committed to this format. Damn the man! I should think things through. I really should. I bet a lot of mistakes would have been avoided that way. But! I’m learning. G-d knows I’m trying at any rate. My mother always says that proper pre-planning prevents piss poor performance. Liv would say that that proves she’s a Virgo. Liv should dance. Dance like a friggin’ dervish. Just twirl and twirl till she falls down with the joy of it. I think she will. There’s another one! Pretty! Doesn’t believe it. I always say that I only hang out with attractive people. Why don’t my friends believe me? Uggos need not apply. I’m shallow. I can admit it. That makes me a bad person doesn’t it? Well, maybe not. Maybe it’s just natural selection? No. I’m the devil. I accept it. The first step is admitting you have a problem. If that could be the last step as well that would be great. If the acceptance and the intention were enough wouldn’t that be grand? It would be like being a Catholic. If you start the day saying to yourself that you’re intention is to go down the street and hit your neighbor with a shovel you can do something else because you’ve already, technically, committed that sin. Pick another! I like sloth quite a bit. That’s a good one. Very restful. My book is going to blow chunks. This is the kind of crap that comes into my head. How can it not be utter crap? Answer? It can’t. Thank G-d the point isn’t to right a good, or even readable, book. What is the point then? I don’t know. Why do people climb Everest? Same reason I guess. But my stupid thing keeps me inside and with all my toes/fingers/nose intact. Take that sherpa!


Retainer Girl said...

December should then logically be National Editor a Piece of Crap Novella of 50,000 Words Month, in which I would gladly edit your conversational "masterpiece."

girlysmack said...

Eagerly awaiting a list of my prettiest features to frame and hang in my bathroom...

BlondeJustice said...

Please, Please, Please get some sleep. You are scaring me now.

BTW thanks for the mad props. I really appreciate it. :)

Dark Fury said...

You are so editing my "masterpiece"! It will be shittacular and awe inspiring in the amount of red it will be covered in.

Erin, what font?

OK. I will sleep but you'll all be sorry. I'm not nearly as much fun with sleep and w/out sugar!