Friday, January 4, 2008

Bad Imitation is the Sincerest Form of Insult.

I wrote this at work today. It makes me laugh.

Paging Mr. Benchley or Whither, Fred?

“Fred,” she said
(she called him Fred),
“I think I should be better dead.

For life is music lacking beats….
Fame is flitting, fleeting…brief….
People dirty, stinking cheats
& time is but a stupid thief.

Whence that joy we find in youth?
Why are bastards so uncouth?
Where can one find strength to woo…
Let alone a lazy screw?”

“Oh, shut up, Mrs. Parker, do.”


BlondeJustice said...

Tee hee! That is bad and yet quite good. It reminds me of someone......

Dark Fury said...

Yes, I'm quite pleased with my 3 minute master work. ;)

girlysmack said...

Said Fred.

Anonymous said...

Congrats on your first day of work.

Dark Fury said...


Thanks, Patherine!