Journal Entry - 6/19
Today I went to work. I sat in my office. I thought about nothing. At least I tried to think about nothing.
It's more difficult to think of nothing than you'd think. When you try to make your mind a total blank odd thoughts seem to pop out of nowhere. Well, out of your subconscious, obviously, but they seem to come from nowhere.
For example, why can't dogs eat grapes? I heard that on Animal Planet last night. It was the only part of the program I heard and, at the time, I didn't think about it. Now, however, I want to know. Why not?
Did they mean that dogs shouldn't eat grapes? This seems more likely as my last dog ate grapes all the time. So, clearly, dogs can eat grapes. It's physically possible.
If they meant they shouldn't eat grapes I ask, again, why not? Is there a secret chemical that only vets know about that dogs can't digest? My dog could. Was she a wonder pup? She was dumb as ditch water (I know the expression is actually dull as ditch water but I don't care) so maybe it was a Wile E. Coyote thing. Maybe as long as she didn't know they were bad for her they couldn't hurt her. It's a mystery.
I was interrupted at around 1:30 and lost my train of thought. Bored for the rest of the day. Conclusion? A healthy intellectual curiosity is important in keeping your thought processes nimble.
1 comment:
I think the expression is "dull as dish water," but I like "dumb as ditch water" sooo much better.
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