Monday, August 4, 2008

They Who The Lord Doth Smite Stay Smote.

I'm dieing. Seriously. There are only two options.

1. The devil has possessed me.

2. I have a virus.

If it's number 1 I'm screwed. If it's number two and I have inadvertantlt infected you I apologize. If it's number two and you've inadvertently infected me then I curse you. I curse you and I curse your children and your children's children down to the fourth generation and pray that the Lord, in his wisdom, will smite you with a mighty smiting and thou shalt know his anger through the fact of being smote. Amen.

Also, my prior will (from a couple of months ago - still posted if you want to refresh yourself on what you'll be getting) still stands.


Retainer Girl said...

Hooray! More books!

Anonymous said...

Get well soon! For the love of god, get well soon, before we are all cursed and damned to hell.

Dark Fury said...

A. Why so happy, miss? Somebody needs a good smiting.

B.You're in CO. You couldn't have infected me. No smiting for you.

C. I'm better now.