I saw a girl today. She had teased out 80’s hair. She was wearing a Playboy logo t-shirt. She had makeup on. She was all of eight years old.
Let me repeat that - Eight. Years. Old . . . Playboy. Logo.
I almost threw up.
I’ve been thinking, all day, about that girl and the idiot she probably still calls mommy. What kind of person let’s their child out of the house like that? No. Wait. What kind of person buys clothes like that for their child period? Is it not hard enough to be a little kid? Are there not dangers on every street corner? What? Is she afraid that there just aren’t enough pedophiles to go around so she better tart her baby up so she’ll be sure to get their attention? Stellar. Fantastic plan. Nice to see people are taking tips from the Ramsey family play book. Way to hustle!
I’ve been trying to convince myself that this isn’t as horrible and offensive as it, clearly, is. I reminded myself, repeatedly, that I’ve been wearing cosmetics since I was five and nothing horrifying ever happened to me. I must, I reasoned, be overreacting. But, no, I can’t buy that.
For one thing until I was thirteen I was only allowed to wear makeup at home (playing dress up) or on stage (so that my flat, white face could be seen in the theatre). Even on stage there were limits. I was allowed, as I recall, powder, pale pink lipstick, blush, mascara and a light gold eye shadow (I have small squinty eyes that would otherwise have been lost in the cheap seats). I’m pretty sure the effect, from the audience, was that I wasn’t wearing any makeup at all. PS? My face got washed the minute the show was over and I wasn’t allowed to sing age inappropriate songs or, it must be said, dress like a hooker.
What is going on? Every time I go to look at outfits for my little cousin, who’s three, I’m astounded and stupefied by the clothes made for little girls. Short shorts? Check. Mini skirts? Check. Lucite kitten heels (go to Target or Payless, if I’m lyin’ I’m flyin’)? Check. Tops and dresses with low or no backs? Check and check!
Why can’t kids just be kids anymore? Why must they be dressed not just as little adults but as the trashiest saddest segment of society? Whatever happened to overalls and dresses with smocking? Since when do kids want to be “sexy”? That’s sick. And, even if your child said that they wanted to dress like a Playboy “bunny”, why would you let them? In short, why do people think it’s cute and/or appropriate to dress their daughters like sex workers? When did that become an acceptable option? Oh, wait. It’s not. And, just so everybody knows, it never will be.